How Often Should I Update My Website Copy?

Your business doesn't stand still. Neither should your website.

Yellow and blue graphic. Text: hot lead, website, your biz. Text connected with arrows.

That website of yours? It could be the first point of contact between your business and a potential hot lead.

A well-designed website with kickass content helps customers stick around long enough to learn who you are. 

But how often should you fiddle with website copy? 

If it’s working, should you mess with it at all?

It’s the circle of website copy, and it rules us all

Long story short: writing website copy isn’t a one-and-done task. 

Your service menu and target audience change as your business grows. The world keeps spinning, global pandemics break out, and new trends pop up in your industry.

Things change!

Updating your website copy regularly means that your website aligns with where you are in your business now.

Your clients need to see themselves reflected in your site. When your customer changes — or their needs do — it’s time to make some changes.

Upsides of regular updates

What can new words do?

Keep you relevant: Industry trends and customer preferences change over time. Don’t get left behind.

Enhance SEO: Search engines favor fresh and relevant content. Regular updates can help drive more traffic.

Create a better user experience: We all land on sites with outdated or inaccurate information. To be blunt? It sucks. Keeping your copy up-to-date keeps leads happy. (No rage clicks. Yes, that’s a thing!)

Showcase growth: You’re not the same business you used to be. Show ‘em what you’re working with.

"Okay, Kelley, I get it. I asked how often, though."

Take a peek every six months or so with these things in mind:

Industry dynamics
If there are a lot of rapid changes in your industry, you’ll need to update frequently to keep up. 

Pages with high bounce rates or low engagement might need more tweaks and optimization.

Major business changes 
New product launch or entering a new market? Put website copy updates on your launch list.

Business age
If you’ve been in business for a while and have your services dialed in, you won’t need a ton of updates.

If you’re a business baby still working out the details of your branding/customer/services, you’ll make small changes frequently.

How often you can stand it
You can’t be doing this quarterly for the rest of your life, from a time or a budgetary standpoint.

Generally? Look through your website at least once a year and decide what it needs.


Refreshing your website copy doesn’t mean rewriting every word. You can optimize existing content by:
  • Polishing headlines
  • Making text easier to read
  • Putting elements in a more efficient order
  • Adding calls to action
  • Updating button copy
  • Adding testimonials
  • Streamlining the customer journey
  • …and more!
This is where I come in. I look at your current website copy, talk to you about any questions, and help you figure out what to do next.  It’s not your job to know the best practices for button copy, or whatever the case may be. I help you get people to click so you can book clients and do what you do best. Discover opportunities to optimize your website copy, get a streamlined to-do list, and make that rewrite totally doable.  It all starts with a website copy audit.

Questions about updating your website copy? Drop me a line.